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Rabbi Richard Jacobs, an alumnus of Ohr Somayach and Ohr Lagolah, is the Executive Director of the Ohr Lagolah Hertz Institute. He graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a B.Sc. (Hons) degree in Biological Science (Zoology). Rabbi Jacobs has been actively involved in Jewish education for over twenty years, both voluntarily – on campus and with a number of youth movements, and professionally – working with Jewish students for both University Student Chaplaincy in Scotland and the Union of Jewish Students of the UK & Ireland, and as the Director of Operations for the JLE (Ohr Somayach’s UK branch) in London. Rabbi Jacobs compiled and edited the highly acclaimed “As Heard from Rav Weinbach: A Resource Book for Rabbis and Educators” based on the Ohr Lagolah shiurim of the Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Mendel Weinbach zt”l.
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